ketamine assisted psychotherapy | Ketamine assisted psychotherapy online | Buy ketamine assisted psychotherapy online

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy dose of the ketamine medicine is an effort to create and altered state of conscious experience for ketamine assisted psychotherapy purposes. Regular talk with ketamine assisted psychotherapy doesn’t necessarily have an end date. It’s client driven for how long you may want to be engaged in ketamine assisted psychotherapy. Ketamine assisted psychotherapy is more short term in that, you have your preparation sessions. You’ll have medicine sessions what we call integration psychotherapy sessions and then after probably on average three to five medicine sessions. You would return back to perhaps your regular talk therapist or mental health providers for any ongoing support.

How ketamine therapy works

When you come for a medicine session, you’ll come to our office and you’ll meet with me as your ketamine assisted psychotherapy. Also the prescriber who will be administering the medicine you’ll have. Your vitals checked you’ll come into the office sort of make yourself comfortable. After a few minutes of setting yourself up and sort of letting the previous part of your day fall away and be ready for this session.

How ketamine assisted psychotherapy is administered

administered your medicine either intravenously or intramuscularly and then i would be with you the whole time. It’s about a two-hour session you can expect that your actual experience of being under the influence of the ketamine medicine to be about 30 to 90 minutes. Then, we sort of have that time on either end just to set yourself up and then make sure that you’re sort of back to yourself. Your ketamine medicine will be administered by one of our prescribers so, either our nurse practitioner or our ketamine psychiatrist will administer the ketamine medicine.

How ketamine assisted psychotherapy works for depression

They would also be walking you through prior to any ketamine medicine sessions, and medical clearance for ketamine drug. This is just to make rule out any contraindications and make sure that physically your body is able to take in this ketamine medicine. So, after your experience of which like i said, i would be with you the whole time. You will be checked by the ketamine prescriber. Check your vitals again just to make sure that you’re okay. We talk briefly about aftercare just to set yourself up for good self-care in the hours following and into that day in the next 24 hours. And, you would already have an integration ketamine psychotherapy session booked with me prior to your next ketamine medicine. 

Why ketamine assisted psychotherapy therapy

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy sessions takes place in between each ketamine medicine session. So, you would either meet with me by a text/email or come into my office for a regular one-hour block. ketamine therapy. Here, we would really debrief and sort through that experience. We might talk about any challenges you experienced during the ketamine medicine session. Any insights that you may have gained or really want to tease out. Also, how do we integrate what you may have learned about yourself or your experiences into your life. Because at the end of the day, you’ll be walking back into your life. We want to set you up to be able to create meaningful and lasting change that really allows you to move into your life with wholeness and wellness.

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No two ketamine medicine sessions will look the same and even two ketamine medicine sessions experienced by the same person will necessarily look the same. So, that means integration sessions can always look different from one another but the objective is to really help you make sense of and make meaning out of the experience. So that you can walk back into your life and really live your true authentic self. You may considering this type of ketamine treatment if you have ketamine treatment resistant depression. Severe ketamine anxiety maybe ketamine ptsd or obsessive compulsive ketamine disorder and you have tried everything else that’s out there.

What ketamine used for

Oftentimes we see that people have been in ketamine therapy for a long time years even or tried every medication. That their psychiatrist has been able to offer them. Haven’t really experienced the type of relief that they’re after if anything sort of just some symptom relief.

Sometimes, this type of ketamine treatment is really for you if you’ve tried everything else and you’re really looking to engage. Ketamine drug has actually been available for mental health. A number of years it’s been used but most often the way you may have come across it is described as ketamine therapy. As opposed to what we’re offering which is ketamine assisted psychotherapy. The difference there being that, somebody who might engage in ketamine therapy. The experience looks like going to a ketamine psychiatrist or another ketamine prescriber’s office.

How ketamine works in the brain

You’ve been medically cleared by them for ketamine administration. You’re left in a room, administered the ketamine and sort them by yourself to experience your journey. Then, you discovered there’s no ketamine therapy aspect involved. You’ll be sort of checked in on and cleared to make sure that you’re physically okay to go home but other than that, there’s no ketamine therapy involved.

people do experience symptom relief. It hasn’t like a ketamine antidepressant effect but it’s not long lasting much like a lot of the other medications that people do. People have tried ketamine assisted psychotherapy. It is very different because we have this rather large ketamine therapy component combined with the ketamine medicine sessions. So, there are at least three preparation ketamine sessions before any ketamine medicine is actually administered. And then integration sessions that takes place in between each ketamine medicine session. 

which ketamine is better

Sometimes people can even fundamentally change their core belief or value systems. What we’re after is deep personal growth as opposed to temporary symptom relief. This is quite a different type of ketamine treatment than anything else. You may have tried before and what we really hope for. Ketamine assisted psychotherapy process is the first write up in the ketamine assisted psychotherapy process. Ketamine assisted psychotherapy process involves three people at a minimum.

You, a ketamine therapist, in this case, me, and a licensed medical professional authorized to prescribe ketamine drug to you. I will assist in coordinating this process. First things first, which will be an initial consultation with me.

Is ketamine therapy safe

This session will inform us if ketamine assisted psychotherapy might be a good fit for you. This can be done remotely over video, or maybe done in person. In this meeting, I’ll be asking you about your background and your current situation. I will learn more about what you’re hoping to get out of ketamine assisted psychotherapy.

It will also give you a chance to get a better sense of what it’ll be like to work with me. This part is crucial as I strongly believe it’s important that you feel comfortable with me. I feel comfortable with you to determine if it feels like a good fit. If we agree. The next step is to get you scheduled with our medical prescribing partner for a ketamine medical clearance appointment.


As I already mentioned, I’m the ketamine therapist in this ketamine medical clearance appointment. But just to give you a general idea, the purpose of this appointment is to determine if you are medically and psychologically a good fit to participate in ketamine assisted psychotherapy. Again, I will help facilitate this process.